Sunday, October 2, 2011

Falling into Fall...

Slacker...who me? YES YOU! I haven't been on her much have I? Hmmm...maybe cause it has been an incredible summer! Ah-mazing... Let's see, what have I done lately? Boating, concerts, MOVING, going to the golf courses, planking, owling, Tuesday Night Bout Time's, movies, and loving loving loving being a mommy...oh the word mommy...don't get to hear that too often anymore with these teen's and pre-teen's I call daughters ;)

Alyssa is doing so well right now...she is almost 14, yup that's right FOuRtEeN! What happened?? I can't believe that in just four more years she'll be in her senior year and moving onto her life. I'm terrified for that day. They say...just wait, the next 18 years after you have a baby are going to be a long time...they're liars~! I have blinked and she is growing up on me. Doing her own hair, makeup, and boy howdy do we have the boys knocking on the door (literally)...she is in 8th grade and doing amazing. She has some really close friends and has been in fits of giggles telling me all about her shenanigans at school. She is almost as tall as me now and WOW just beautiful! She has this amazing creative side coming out in her and is constantly reading. She has written a couple of her own books even. I can't wait to see what she wants to do for a living cause at this point the world is at her fingertips...

Shirsten is as spunky as ever. She has contrived this new independence thing...InDePeNdAnT? Whyyyy??? She's my baby, I'm not ready for her to grow up on me too! She is now 10 and in 5th grade. She has masses of friends at our new house and the second she gets home from school rushes through her chores to go out an play. It's like pulling teeth to get her to come home. I am big smiles to see her so happy and doing so good in school right now. This little girl loves to talk and I wouldn't doubt if she ever became a talk show host...she can contrive almost any subject at any time just to fill the air :) I don't have a clue who she gets it from?? tee hee... She also won't let me do her hair and is constantly sneaking into or sometimes asking to put SOME makeup on. Picture day was an adventure when she wanted to dress in a dress for school...haha...she LOVES to dress up, for any occasion. My two girls are just so amazing and I can't believe how blessed I was! We are all doing so good right now.

And here it is fall....I am soooo ready for it too! I'm ready to slow the pace of life, get in the groove of the comfort food (I love fall/winter cooking) have lazy days watching football and enjoying my family and friends. This is my favorite time of year and I always fall in love with the falltime...the colors, the crispness in the air, the blankets, and the first snow (:-0 yep I said it, snow!).... So peeps ta ta for now TTFN and I'll see ya on the flipside!

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