Sunday, March 25, 2012

Hello Spring!

It has been a little while hasn't it? There have been some up's, some down's, and some perfectly calm times for me these past few months. First I'll start with an update of the all of the medical stuff I had to deal with last fall into this year. The first doctor I saw was sure that I had Multiple Sclerosis. We started treatments for it and scheduled many many tests. Since this was just my Family Practice doctor they were referring me on to a Neurologist. I first saw a Neurologist that could get me in fast and kept my appointment for the GOOD Neurologist I wanted to see but they were booked out pretty far. The 'fast' one, just continued on the path that my first doctor found and didn't really do much. So here I was taking some fun expensive treatments and not getting any more answers or even guesses as to if it was for sure MS or not. FINALLY I went to the 'good' doctor. He was so completely thorough. He went through each blood test I had had over the last 3 months (which was over 30 tests) with me. He went through my MRI scans and then did a full neurology test on me in the office. I was there for quite a while. At the end I received the best news I could have possibly received. He didn't believe that it was MS. He said "I'm not going to rule it out" since they can never rule it out but told me that the chances weren't that great and all of my symptoms were consistent with a severe Vitamin D deficiency and something else with a mineral that I'm missing. He wanted me to go on supplements and this other medication for the mineral for 3 months just to see what happens (hey I'd rather pay for that than the expensive crazy meds they wanted to do for the MS). Well it's 3 months later and I'm feeling so GOOD! I can use both of my arms, I don't get dizzy anymore, and I've had a little more energy. The only thing I really have to deal with now is just the extreme fatigue when it sets in and that really only happens about 1-2 per week instead of every single day. It has been so great to be awake most nights when I get home from work to see my girls. Unless I have another big episode I don't need to go back to the doctors or unless I get new symptoms. Can you say RELIEF??? I feel so blessed!

The girls have been doing so great. It has been wonderful living back at my parents with them to help me out. It is such an amazement to see the changes that these girls are going through while they are growing up right before my eyes. Alyssa is finishing up her 8th grade year. Her grades this 3rd quarter are the BEST she has ever had since she started Jr. High. She has worked so hard and I am so proud of her. We are going to have to get an award for her. Shirsten is still the chatty cathy and seeing her go through this transition of no longer playing with dolls and toys and now getting into perfume and asking me if she can shave LOL... I am in awe of them every day. I can only pray I'm doing the right things for them. Last year they met a couple of the guys I was dating and nothing came of those relationships. The last one they met they really really liked him and still ask me about him a few times a week and it breaks my heart for them.  So this year I won't be introducing them to any guys unless things get really serious with someone - like after dating 6 months exclusively serious haha...

Last but not life. Simple - I don't have one haha. Sure I still date and have fun, but I am so not ready for a commitment right now. I have really close friends in my life and pretty much have my summer and the rest of the year planned. I'm not out looking and I'm not sad at all. I feel like my life is so full right now. Is there someone out there? Sure..but I will let love find me and when it does I'll know and he and I will figure out everything together. Until that day...I will be loving every second of my single life and continue on my journey of making myself happy and raising two of the most beautiful and amazing girls who ever walked this earth.


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