Monday, May 7, 2012

Sudden Turn...

So here I was reading my last post back in March on the 25th. I had to giggle...little did I know, 6 days after that post on March 31st, my life would take a sudden turn. It was my nieces Birthday party that night and my parents asked me if I wanted to head out to Wendover. Ok really, I didn't have the money but I knew that one of my friends Birthday party was being celebrated out there so I thought "Why not? It should be good times"!

I was in my Victoria character - you know the girl in the British accent - with my friend "Kate" (Kristi), walking over to the 3 Card Poker table. She runs into this cute guy she knew and introduced the two of us. did I never meet this guy in the last 2 years since we are both pretty good friends with the same crowd of people? Let's just say we hit it off really well. He was funny, flirty, and got along great with my parents too haha. We were together until 4 in the morning getting to know eachother and then me and my parents finally decided it was time to get some sleep.

The past six weeks have been amazing. I have had so many people say 'when you're not looking, someone will knock you off of your feet'...I sort of believed that and knew that one day I might be ready for something serious if I found someone that 'got' me (we all know I'm a little silly). Here he is right in front of my face now. He is absolutely amazing. I have met his little girl recently and she is so adorable. He met my girls and they all get along so great. My girls go on and on about how awesome he is and how happy I am which makes them happy. I met his family on Sunday and all I can say is they are really really good people. I felt so welcomed and they are so much fun to be around. My family adores him.... It is so crazy yet I'm not one bit scared, not one bit   questioning anything. Each day gets better and better and I am so excited to see where this goes. TTFN!

1 comment:

  1. I'm so excited for you! You deserve the world and complete happiness :)
